Tuesday 24 September 2013

Enhanced CPC

What is Enhanced CPC?
What is enhanced CPC you ask ? Well to start off Enhanced CPC is also known as Enhanced Cost Per Click. Enhanced CPC is a fast and easy tool that is used to up your ROI (Return on Investment) through an automated bidding feature. Every time a search is done on google based on how highly likely or not so likely your ad is to appear in comparison to the search, the enhanced CPC conversion will increase your bid.

 Highly Likely = Increased Bid
 Not so Likely = Decreased Bid

As an example I created this image to demonstrate how Enhanced CPC works. If your ads states that you sell woman's Nike athletic shoes, when that exact phrase is entered into the search engine your bid will in increase because it is highly comparable to what was searched. If the user searches just the term shoes then your ad with Nike athletic shoes will be less likely to show up decreasing your bid. These bids then connect to conversion, conversions relate to how many sales are made through your ad.

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